Monday 10 November 2014

    Target Audience Research: Final Qualitative Questions to be used on Focus Group(s) for the short film "Soft"

    1) Did the opening of the film engage you and make you want to watch more?
    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    2) Do you feel the character(s) create a stereotypical image of their respective age group(s)?
    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    3) Which character do you believe is the main protagonist? Why is this?

    4) Do you feel the director, Simon Ellis, wants us to feel sympathy for the protagonist?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    5) What kind of neighbourhood do you think the location of the film is set in? What indicates to you that this film is based in this certain part of the UK?

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