Wednesday 12 November 2014

    Synopsis Draft 3 Evaluation – Milgrom Questions

    Questions for the Evaluation of the Synopsis
    Explain the:
    ·         World - The world is the place where all the events take place within my short. Therefore my world is a streamline.

    ·         Character – My protagonist is a young adolescent man, who gives off the persona of being lonely, and attempts to make intimate connections with others, yet he risks putting his own wellbeing at risk. This is due to the situation he has put himself in, as his intentions are drastically different to the girls’ intentions.

    ·         Problem – The problem is what the possible consequences will be for the protagonist, depending on his decision making; whether he continues to film the woman, and possibly loses his innocence and connection with the audience, or approaches the woman himself, and risks losing his connection with her.

    Who’s POV is the story told from? Is this clear? How?
    The POV is being told from the perspective of the young adolescent. This is clear, because the storyline moves along with our protagonist as he ventures through his experiences. Phrases used in my synopsis such as “He watches”, give off the impression the audience is made to see things through our protagonist’s own eyes, and enable ourselves to agree or disagree with his opinions and intentions.

    Is the main problem the heart of the film? Explain.
    No, the main problem is the protagonists’ inability to establish connections/relations with his peers. The heart of the film is the young man’s decision to film the woman, as that is the only way he seems to feel comfortable. The inability to establish connections creates the main problem as it gives the audience the biggest clue towards what his possible intentions are.

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