Monday 10 November 2014

    "Soft" Quotes from my Second Focus Group


    "I felt it was fairly equal between the dad, the son and the gang leader as to who was the main protagonist, but if I had to choose one it would be the son. This is because the story is about him being bullied, and his dad was telling him to stand up for himself, which he did in the end."


    "I felt that the hooded characters created a stereotypical image of their respective age groups, because when you hear about such things in the media, that's who they're representing."


    "I felt the film opening was engaging and made me want to watch more, because you wanted to know what was going to happen next within the storyline."


    "I felt the director wants us to feel sympathy for the protagonist, in this case, the dad, because he wants to stand up to the bullies, but then feels he has to fight for his dad."

    "I felt the neighbourhood location was set in a suburban area, because of the quiet streets, and nice houses."

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