Sunday 16 November 2014

    Synopsis Draft 3 - Feedback

    • Add the "Dramatic Premise" section into the "Middle" - redevelop the "Dramatic Premise" part.
    • Think about proxemics - is the man camouflaged? That way the woman will have less chance of logically seeing him.
    • Remove the dialogue of "I can't do it. I can't approach her", from the middle.
    • Develop the area of him watching her (he is using the camera to try to understand what is going on)
    • Are we concerned for him?
    • Tell the audience less, build in more accidents - this makes the scene more intriguing.
    • He is filming the water - the leaves are perhaps floating in an opposite direction to the ripples in the water - then suddenly the woman's eyes come into view of his camera - startling for him and us as the audience.
    • The woman moves her eyes, he darts to the side to perhaps avoid her gaze.
    • She is looking at her hands.
    • Next time he films her, he sees a bottle, which was previously on the other side of her.
    • She has pills in her hands - he doesn't know what to do.
    • He looks at the record button on his camera - he is self-conscious - (the camera is still recording whilst this happens)
    • How responsible is he in this situation? Is he responsible? Are we? Will he do something?
    • Think about his dress code (characterise him more) - he is classically eccentric.
    • Something else may happen (possibly in the Dramatic Premise):
      • She walks into the river (at knee-length)
      • She goes to fall in the river? What does he do?
      • What can he do without actually going down to her?
      • Is his phone in signal?
      • Does he look around?
      • Have her stand in the water - he goes back to watching her
      • Is it suicide? Attention-seeking? Something else? Make sure the audience doesn't know
      • The man moves away from the camera, looks around everywhere
      • He goes back to the camera (breaking away from reality)
      • Maybe she looks around - notices him - just looks at him.
      • He isn't ready to be confronted - he backs off the camera - he is afraid.
      • She is now in control of the situation .
    • Ending ideas:
      • Does she visually give him permission to do something?
      • .....

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