Friday 7 November 2014

    "Soft" Quotes from my first Focus Group


    "The boy is the protagonist, because he didn't fight back when his father told him not too, and then he also ended the conflict, although with more conflict, and he took charge when no one else would, hopefully teaching the ruffians a lesson


    "The location was in a nice area, and high class, and it could be in any street or anywhere, as the houses you see could be located anywhere"


    "We probably feel sympathy for the dad because he was a coward, but couldn't really help it, and then he gets overshadowed as the alpha-male by his son"

    Mr Parsons:

    "The film raises a lot of issues, and makes you question your moral perspective; what would you do? The relationship between father and son is interesting because within the first minute or so, the father comes home with a suit, looking very formal, and the son is upstairs being reclusive and playing loud music. Both of these characters conform to their stereotype of roles, that obviously changes throughout the film and the son takes on the alpha male role in the family. It is constructed to make you question yourself in that scenario, that we shouldn't be violent and aggressive, but we want to do what the boy did, even if we didn't have the courage"

    "The boy is playing a stereotypical teenager; he comes home, he doesn't want to talk to the family, and slams the door very loudly, and play his music very loudly"

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