Wednesday 5 November 2014

    Synopsis Draft 3

    The “Set-up” (BEGINNING)

    The stream flows pleasantly during an early afternoon. The trees slowly rustle. A young man sits on the ground next to the edge of the stream. A tripod is stationed next to him, with the camera attached on top. The camera is recording. The young man looks through the camera. He sees the trees flow. He positions the camera so it faces the stream. He watches the ripples in the water. He rotates the movement of the camera in a fluid motion, so it records the ripples flow gently down the river. He does this three times. The young man moves his head back slightly and smiles.

    The “Confrontation/Development” (MIDDLE)

    The young man turns his head, and his eyes widen. His mouth opens slightly. He sees a young woman sitting a few metres away from him. The woman has her arms folded across her chest in a tight fashion. Her knees are shaking. Her body is shaking. Her face is shaking. She is rocking back and forth continuously. Her eyes are open wide. She slowly unfolds her arms, which are shaking vigorously. She opens the palms of her hands, and stares absorbedly at them. A few moments pass. The woman puts her hands in her hair, and begins to rub it energetically. The young man watches her, blinks, and jolts his head. He puts his hand on the ground, and begins to rise. He stops, and sits back down again, looking back at the stream in front of him and shakes his head forcefully. He looks back at the woman, who is still running her hands through her hair. He sighs, and rubs his hair slowly. He mutters under his breath: “I can’t do it. I can’t approach her.” He hits his leg lightly. He connects his fingers from both hands with each other, and puts them to his mouth. He bites the tips of his thumbs.

    The “Dramatic Premise”

    The young man turns towards his camera. He lowers his hands. He gazes at the camera, with his head slightly tilted. He looks back at the young woman; she is sitting with her arms draped across her hunched knees. The young man then looks back at the camera. He sighs dramatically. He lifts his hands to the tripod, and slowly positions it so it faces the girl. The tripod legs make a small sound as they touch the ground. The young man looks back at the young woman, and then at his camera. He slowly bends down to look through the camera, and as he does so, he alters his gaze to the woman and back to the camera. He presses the red button on the camera. The recording time flashes in the corner of the screen. The young man opens his mouth and smiles. He makes the camera zoom in on the young woman. He looks through the camera at her cheeks, her nose, and her eyes. He moves the camera shot so it focuses on the girls’ body. He slowly reaches down and touches the front of his jeans. He strokes his jeans for a few seconds, before looking down, and releasing his hand. He looks at his hand, and grimaces. He shakes his head, and puts his hand onto his forehead. He whispers: “What am I doing”. He looks back through the camera, and smiles again as he looks upon the young woman.

    The “Resolution” (END)

    The young woman turns her head towards the young man, and then looks forwards again. A second later, she whips her head around, and gasps. The young man jumps, and stops looking through the camera. The young woman lifts herself up from the ground, and stands up. She faces the young man, saying: “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The young man begins to stutter. The young woman storms towards him and looks down at him. He looks up at her, and bites his lip. He looks at the camera, and then back at the young woman. He looks back towards the camera, and removes the camera from the tripod with trembling fingers. He takes the camera in his hand, and looks up at the young woman. He offers the camera to her. The young woman looks at the camera for a moment, and then at the young man. The young man smiles lightly. She scoffs, and walks away from the young man. The young man turns around to watch her. She walks down the pathway, scratching and shaking her head as she does so. The young man lowers his hand, and looks down at the ground momentarily. He looks back out at the stream, and then at the trees. He looks down at the camera in his hand. He closes his eyes, and sighs heavily. He places the camera down on the ground. His footsteps are heard, and slowly grow fainter.

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