Thursday 6 November 2014

    Industrial Film Script Format

    ·         Script format used in the film industry for production.

    ·         The script can be broken down effectively, properly, and so scheduling and budgeting function effectively.

    ·         Each page equates to approximately 60 seconds.

    ·         When the script is in its final form, it is broken down.

    ·         Film Script Schedule:

    o   Write the script

    o   Coloured annotations atone to key information

    o   Dedicated breakdown of all information

    o   Breakdown script board; ordering of the scenes

    o   Final film schedule

    ·         Format:

    o   Film title

    o   By-line, then writers name

    o   Film name then appears at the top of each page to identify it

    o   “Fade in/fade up” – tells you the film is beginning

    o   “Slug-line” or “scene heading”

    §  Capitalised

    §  INT. or EXT. (Interior or Exterior)

    §  Full stop after “T”

    §  Space

    §  Description of the location (e.g. INT = house)

    §  Another space

    §  Hyphen

    §  Another space

    §  DAY or NIGHT

    o   Action Paragraph

    o   Character name

    o   Character dialogue

    o   # sign if there are lots of characters (e.g. GIRL #1, GIRL #2)

    o   Format:

    §  Slug-line

    §  Then…

    ·         Action

    ·         Character name

    ·         Dialogue

    ·         SO ON AND SO ON…

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