Wednesday 8 October 2014

    "Two Cars, One Night" Brief Analysis

    Two Cars, One Night

    Camera flying fast through dark clouds, low-key lighting sped-up action, car pulls up next to first car, protagonist introduced when sitting in his car, children playing in their car, pretend driving, put seats back, first dialogue three minutes in, woman is in other car, protagonist abusive towards woman, swearing, calling her “ugly”, girl responds with abusive language and gestures,

     Different scene (same place): girl playing with ring, man on his bike outside talking to both cars, action sped-up again, girl clearly tired, protagonist gets out car, acts like a policemen pulling her over, tell each other names, other child in protagonist’s car untroubled, short unresponsive answers, new car comes by, man driving the car, exchanges look with protagonist, protagonist and girl tell each other ages

    New scene, protagonist is now in girls car, girl still playing with ring, looks at it, touches it, trustworthy

    Girl is now closer to the protagonist, protagonist gets out car, girl gives ring to him so he will remember her, girl’s driver gets in car, protagonist and girl exchange looks, girl leaves in car, boy left standing next to car

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