Thursday 16 October 2014

    Target Audience Research: Quantitative Research Questions


    1. Are you male or female?
    • Male
    • Female
    • Other (please specify)
    • Prefer not to say

    2. Which age category do you currently belong too?

    • Under 10
    • 11-14
    • 15-20
    • 21-30
    • 31-40
    • 41-50
    • 51-60
    • 61+

    3. What is your ethnic background?

    • White
    • Gypsy/Traveller/Irish Traveller
    • Asian/Asian British
    • Black/Black British
    • Mixed
    • Other (please specify)

    4. Which part of the UK do you live in?

    • Northern England
    • Southern England
    • Eastern England
    • Western England
    • Central England
    • Other (please specify)

    5. What is your current occupation?

    • Full-time job
    • Part-time job
    • Student
    • Other (please specify)

    Knowledge of the Genre

    1. Have you ever viewed a short film?

    • Yes
    • No

    2. What do you think a short film's run time should be?

    • Under 5 minutes
    • Between 5 and 10 minutes
    • Between 11 and 15 minutes
    • Between 16 and 20 minutes
    • 20 minutes or over

    3. Out of the three selected, which do you think best represents short form?

    • Mainstream
    • Niche
    • Artistic

    4. Have you ever seen any of these short films? (If so, please tick as many as you have)

    • About a Girl
    • Antonio's Breakfast
    • September
    • Soft
    • Stripes
    • The Most Beautiful Man In The World
    • Two Cars One Night
    • Vincent
    • Youth

    5. Are you familiar with any of these short film screening sites?

    • Youtube
    • Vimeo
    • Shorts of the week
    • Future Shorts

    Viewing Habits

    1. How regularly do you watch feature-length films?

    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Yearly
    • Never

    2. How regularly to you watch short films?

    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Yearly
    • Never

    3. How do you consume films?

    • DVD
    • Blu-Ray
    • Television Channels
    • Phone/Tablet
    • Online
    • On Demand
    • Other (please specify)

    4. Which genre is of your most general interest?

    • Horror
    • Comedy
    • Thriller
    • Social Realism
    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Romance
    • Other (please specify)

    5. Do you find it easy to find shorts to watch?

    • Yes
    • No


    1. Select any themes/issues you consider to be underexplored in film from:


    • Neglect
    • Revenge
    • Rebellion
    • Nature and Nurture
    • Jealousy


    • Child Abuse
    • Bullying (physically)
    • Bullying (mentally)
    • Class and Status
    • Adultery
    • Abortion
    • Poverty
    • Sexism
    • Racism
    • Discrimination
    • Unemployment
    • Alcohol Abuse
    • Drug Abuse

    2. Select any types/groups you consider to be underrepresented in film from:

    • Working Class Citizens
    • Lower Class Citizens
    • Males
    • Females
    • Youth
    • Elderly
    • Black Ethnic Groups
    • Caucasian Ethnic Groups
    • Asian Ethnic Groups
    • Mentally Ill
    • Physically Ill

    3. Select any aspects of stereotypical British social culture that you feel could be effectively explored in a short form film from:

    • Aristocracy
    • Poverty
    • Gangsters
    • Alcohol abuse/binge drinking
    • Substance abuse
    • Smoking
    • Bad weather

    4. Select any characteristics of British social culture that you feel are underrepresented in short form film from:

    • Countryside
    • City
    • Architecture
    • Food Consumption (e.g. fish and chips)
    • Drink Consumption (e.g. tea)

    5. What do you consider to be the most important about films?

    • Storyline
    • Cinematography (camera)
    • Sound
    • Mise-en-Scene
    • Editing
    • Actor(s)
    • Director(s)
    • Other (please specify)

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