Wednesday 29 October 2014

    "Eat My Shorts" - Sight and Sound Article - notetaking

    • DV came and made privileged few short films makers into potential film-makers.
    • On one hand, artistic film-makers follow a tradition of seeing the short as an art form in its own right
    • On the other hand, the media and the film industry look upon shorts as personal ads for would-be feature film-makers, which are observed closely, in case a director of stand-out talent, such as Lynne Ramsey, should show up.
    • Short films are of little importance to everyone else, as they no longer have regular slots in commercial cinemas, and are not considered to even be broadcasted on television, except at 3am, when the broadcasters rarely take interest.
    • Aside from the film-makers close audience (friends, relatives, etc.), there would hardly be anybody left watching the short films.
    • D
    • Why do people go and make short films?
      • The person can gain experience.
      • Learn further techniques that can be used later on in their career.
      • Show off your skills to raise your profile.
      • Enable yourself to get to higher level productions.
      • Creating a short film gives you a lot of artistic freedom over it.
      • You can be creative and put what you want in it
      • Unique and risky ideas can be tried out in short films, whereas these ideas wouldn’t be allowed if they were to make a feature length film.

    • Key changes over the past decade
      • A lot has changed over the past decades to short films.
      • Music videos and MTV came around in the early 80s and had an impact on short films.
      • Fast paced editing and short narratives spilled into how people create short films.

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