Thursday 16 October 2014

    Target Audience Research - Qualitative Research Questions Ideas - "Soft"

    1) Did the opening of the film engage you and make you want to watch more?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    2) What indicates to you that this film is within the short form context?

    3) Do you find the character(s) interesting?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    4) Do you feel the character(s) create a stereotypical image of their respective age group(s)?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    5) Can you detect any issues/themes in this film? Please list them.

    6) Which character do you believe is the main protagonist? Why is this?

    7) Do you feel the director wants us to feel sympathy for the protagonist?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    8) Do you think that tension is created within this film?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    9) What advantages might the short form have over longer form films?

    10) Which part of the UK do you believe this film is based in?

    11) What indicate to you that this film is based in this certain part of the UK?

    12) What do you think the main problem is within this film?

    13) Do you think is it easy to identify the main problem within this film?

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

    14) Do you believe this film has a clear structure? (A beginning, a middle, and an end)

    • Yes, because...
    • No, because...

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