Wednesday 8 October 2014

    "Stripes" Brief Analysis


    Hybrid film

    Introduced to protagonist (white origin) and his kettle, as if he is waiting for something, door buzzes, kettle buzzing leads up to what happens, kettle is the antagonist (bubbling, heated building up until it finally blows (diegetic sound))

    Next scene, protagonist is tied up, bleeding, in his own house by another man (black origin), very abusive language exchanged towards each other, knows a lot about the protagonist, clear antagonist knows protagonist from somewhere,  antagonist reminisces, protagonist begins to remember, when younger protagonist bullied antagonist excessively fifteen years ago, antagonist goes from angry to wanting to socialise with protagonist, begins conversations, continuous repetition (punching, “answer the question”), antagonist tells him why he’s here (can’t forget what happened), hates him in and out, antagonist shows his scar he received from protagonist, antagonist reveals knife, protagonist begs for forgiveness, but other begins to knife him

    Editorial pacing, quick changes

    Hook for the audience: who are these two people? Why are they behaving in this manner? Is the antagonist really the antagonist, and not vice versa?

    Many close-ups

    Light lighting (high contrast

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