Wednesday 11 February 2015

    Evaluation Question 3/Ancillary Tasks Notes

    Position of title

    Pictures/images on poster - can you identify any themes or issues, do they symbolise/suggest anything about the story?
    Get audience to read review/look at poster - do you think poster translates aspects of translation/psychology/thematic elements?

    Tone/mood of the film - can you tell anything about the tone/mood of the film?

    Having read review/synopsis what do you think would be a good tagline? Use or develop your own

    What does a polaroid connote for you? (polaroid = particular format represented on a camera (take picture, comes out of camera instantly))

    The colours/lighting in photograph must represent aspects of the story, can you think of what they are?

    They might say it represents ambiguity

    Why has the lighting ratio has been used in the image? What do you think this represents? The use of darkness, light, etc...

    Talk about posture of subject - reinforces what you're trying to communicate

    E.g. for mine - have character hunched over, on knees, hands hiding face (crying posture)

    Total Film, Daily Mail, Sight & Sound, Guardian, Empire - challenge conventions - trying to reach a more mainstream audience

    Educational angle - my film would do well in education

    Challenging form:

    - sound (post-production) - go into music department, play instruments - recorded on camera - for character walking into water - have fun with sound!
    - lighting
    - the way the end credits move (style) - colour certain letters - gives your film more identity/engagingness

    Titles - maybe design titles as plates

    Titles are simple in social realism films

    Challenge conventions

    - of simple titles - use music and text together in an imaginative way
    - roll into credits at start of the film instead of the end
    - use of colour - most social realist films are "monochrome" in their titles

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