Wednesday 4 February 2015

    Evaluation Question 2 - Structure

    (Side note: use “Slide software” for this evaluation question)

    How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

    How/why do my three products SYNERGISE and what is the effect/significance of this synergy?

     (Come up with two/three more of your own – how each differs from the other, etc.)


    From looking at the poster what do we learn/understand about the style of/genre of/audience for the film?

    How effectively does the poster reflect/represent the themes and issues of the film?

    How far and how effectively does the poster reflect the style of the film?

    How does my poster inform my audience about my film?

    How effectively does my poster promote my short film?

    What preconceptions does the poster develop in the mind of the viewer about the film?

    Short Film

    What key thematic elements are common to both the main and ancillary tasks? How are these explored/represented differently in each?

    Do the review and poster convey/communicate the same message/meaning as the film or do they mediate narrative/characterisation elements?

    How do my ancillary tasks impact on my main product?

    Are my ancillary tasks a clear reflection of my main product?

    How do the review and poster reference one another to promote/deepen our understanding/introduce extra layers of meaning into the film?

    What stylistic elements are common to both the main and ancillary tasks?

    What narrative elements are common to both the main and ancillary tasks?


    How does my review inform my audience about my film?

    How does the way that the review attracts an audience to my film differ from the way that my poster does? (Different functions and purposes)

    Is my review in any way biased and what might the impact of this be?

    From reading the review what do we learn/understand about the genre of/audience for/director’s rationale behind the film?

    How effectively does my Film Review break down the themes and issues that are the chief concern of my film?

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