Wednesday 3 December 2014

    The Panasonic AG HMC41E Notes

    Task 1 - Preparing the camera
    • Insert the battery
    • Turn on the camera (the red light will flash)
    • Quick Start mode allows you to begin recording more quickly
    • The "tally lamp" will flash when receiving commands from the remote control; this allows people around the camera to see when it is recording
    • The menus and other displays can be accessed via the touch panel (self-explanatory)
    • The camera has two viewfinders; a miniature LCD, and a retractable 2.7-inch LCD. The LCD gives us a frame.
    • EVF DTL is assigned to one of the USER buttons 1-3.
    • Setting the calendar - set the CLOCK SET and TIME ZONE to the correct time/date.
    Task 2 - AUTO Mode
    • An SD Memory Card must be fully inserted to the card slot.
    • Switch the AUTOMANUAL switch to AUTO to select auto mode.
    • Press the REC CHECK/PHOTO button while in record standby mode to check photos taken.
    • The SD Card can be formatted by selecting YES for CARD FORMAT.
    • The higher the capacity of the SD Memory Card, the higher the total available recording time.
    • The camera is capable of continuous recording for a maximum of 12 hours.
    • When the SD Memory Card is out of the camera, move the write-protect switch on the SD Memory Card to the "LOCK" position to prevent recorded contents being accidentally erased from the card.
    • To zoom in, press T:, and to zoom out, press W:. Zoom volume buttons are located on the remote control, whilst the zoom lever is located on the camera.
    Task 3 - Progressive Scan
    • "Progressive Scan" is one of two methods (the other being "Interlaced Scan") used for "painting" an image on a screen, where the lines are drawn in one at a time in sequential order. Twice the detail is sent in the same amount of time, due to the entire single frame image being painted every 1/60th of a second.
    • We record with progressive scan, because it greatly reduces the flickering that people notice when watching a video recording.

    Task 4 - Manual Mode
    • Move the AUTOMANUAL switch to the MANUAL position.
    • Use the FOCUS button to switch the focus mode.
    • FOCUS ASSIST makes aligning the focus easier, and is particularly useful in manual focus mode.
    • Pressing the FOCUS ASSIST button will automatically zoom in on your target, whilst allowing you to keep your original frame.
    • Press the IRIS dial to switch the method of adjustment for the aperture of the lens (make sure you are in MANUAL MODE).
    • Turn the IRIS dial to adjust the aperture of lens when in the manual Iris mode.
    • Place a white pattern in a location with the same lighting conditions and light source as the subject, then zoom in and fill the whole screen with white (this will create WHITE BALANCE).
    • BLACK BALANCE cannot be adjusted during recording.

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